EWT Celebration Banquet was a Great Night!


Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not out of regret or compulsion. For God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: “He has scattered abroad His gifts to the poor; His righteousness endures forever.”2 Cor 9:7-9

Were you there? Were you at the spacious Statesville Civic Center on the magnificent evening of April 4th?  Were you there at the Equipping with Truth Banquet?  At the Banquet where the Holy Spirit gathered together over 340 cheerful givers –  supporters and volunteers who came from near and far, even as far away as Houston, Texas - to celebrate God’s abounding grace; to witness that He has abundantly scattered so many love gifts abroad in Uganda? 

If you were there, you knew you were experiencing something greater than a wonderfully organized banquet!  You knew that our almighty God was there as well!   His presence and pleasure were unmistakable!  His presence hovered over the entire Civic Center - nurturing energetic fellowship between old and new friends; managing last minute, ever changing details, taking care of “on the spot”, organizational “challenges”, with miraculous outcomes that only He could work out, to His glory and man’s blessings! 

If you were there, you know His pleasure was reflected in visible and tangible ways!  The love and celebration of all of His children adorned every table – with centerpieces, beautifully created by very talented, resourceful and hardworking volunteers; centerpieces of gorgeous, brightly -colored aprons handmade by Ugandan women that proudly surrounded lovely lanterns; lanterns hand-signed with the Words from the Lord; lanterns illuminated by a single candle - evidence that even a single candle, lit intentionally to honor God, can overcome darkness, even abroad in far-away places! 

If you were there, you also enjoyed God’s provisions by enjoying a plate-licking delicious southern hospitality meal; served with lavish joy by volunteer servers, adorned in Ugandan inspired aprons.

If you were there, you were spiritually transported to places you might never have been – transported into Uganda itself, into the very midst of a very impoverished people, into their very hearts and souls.  Through the dynamic and spirit-led presentations of Betty Jo and Rusty McLelland, you witnessed that an impoverished life has absolutely no power over a soul hungry for Jesus!  You saw pictorial evidences of the unbridled joy of Ugandan men and women as they received their very own, first and cherished Bibles! 

Could you carry 50 pounds of water on your head?  If you were there, you saw how heavy the container of water is that women carry several times a day just to obtain basic water needs.  Because you were there, you now know how immensely grateful the Ugandan people are for the 7 wells that your faithful support has provided for them! 

If you were there, you personally were able to see with your heart what a transformational difference the child sponsorship programs make to the survival and thriving of a child - along with the schools, camps and child discipleship programs built and sponsored by EWT. 

If you were there, you understood that your EWT support, partnered with our mighty God, has enabled amazing success in training Ugandan leaders to share the gospel, nurture community discipleship as well as empower their communities to develop ways to build and sustain their economic growth.    

If you were there, you know that the end of the McLellands’ powerful and life impacting presentation was not the end of the Banquet.   As the Spirit of our Mighty God continued to hover over the Civic Center, supporters, partners and volunteers – all cheerful givers – lingered, not leaving at the closing of the event.  Instead, attenders and volunteers alike stayed on, starting up more lively conversations, seemingly remaining to savor and process the manifestation of God that they had just experienced. 

But, as the memory of the EWT banquet fades into a grateful memory, the ministry of EWT continues to passionately move forward – especially because you were there! And because you continue to be faithful, dedicated partners with EWT, we together will continue to abound in every good work – here and abroad, in Uganda – where God continues to scatter His abundant gifts and grace, to all of His children so that, in all things, at all times, God’s people will have all that we need! 

Written by Penny Dunovsky

Betty McLelland