The Gift of Water Has Given these Women Back their Lives!


The beautiful women of Teopok stopped our van in the middle of the road during one of my recent visits. They then ushered our EWT team down a nearby path to see the incredible gift that God had given them. We ran . . . we jumped . . . we sang and waved palm branches on the way! I could hardly keep up, but thanks to an adrenaline rush or maybe pure ole pride, I jumped as hard as they did, just a little breathlessly! We were having a celebration . . . a complete shout-out to God's amazing goodness in their lives!

When we reached the water well, the women were bubbling with excitement and wanted to testify of what the well had meant to their lives. The common thread to all their testimonies was that the water well had given them back their lives!

Dillish told us, “Before this well was drilled, we had to prepare food for our families by six o'clock every evening. Then we would walk together to fetch water far away. If the lines were short, we would return home after midnight, but this didn't happen very often. Most nights we had to sleep at the well and walk back in the morning." Emily added, “We were always so tired and dirty, and sleep didn't come easy when we had no shelter from the rain."

Grace fell to her knees and lifted up her hands as she said, “I want to thank God for all the great things He has done in our lives! First God comforted us with His Word when we received Bibles, and since that time I have had the joy of the Lord in me. Now God has shown us His mercy by giving us water. Every day I feel surprised! I still can't believe that I can wash myself twice in a day."

 We praise God for what He has done for Dillish, Emily, and Grace . . . and for the hundreds of other people who live in their village. They now have a clean healthy source of water that is just a short distance from their homes. They can bathe, wash their clothes, cook and drink clean water as much as they want any time of the day. Even more, the women now eat dinner with their families and sleep in their huts at night. It's no exaggeration to say that the gift of water has given them their lives back!!!

Thank you EWT partners for providing the incredible gift of clean water and so many other blessings that shout the love of Jesus!!!

Betty McLelland