Giving and Serving Fills the Hearts of Our Children


It is the most ironic and crazy thing, but nothing fills our hearts more than giving and serving! Our kids have learned this in a big way, and nothing is holding them back, not their poverty or lack . . . not even the famine or the pandemic. They are always asking their leaders and each other, “Who can we help next?”

Well, for one group of kids, the answer to that question was Yolam, a beloved 92-year-old man living in their community. Everybody knew Yolam as the man who read his Bible for two hours every day and was a tower of strength for his church and family. But earlier this year, Yolam’s life drastically changed.

Yolam described how he felt, “The stroke paralyzed the right side of my body and now my son and his wife have to feed, bathe, and carry me. Sometimes it pushes me into depression. I wish I could help my son instead of him struggling with me. Because of the drought, he struggles to come up with enough food for all his family and then he has me.”

When the kids arrived, Yolam was so uplifted. He watched as the younger ones scurried around cleaning everything in sight, and the older ones built a bath shelter to make his bathing private and easy. Then it was time to receive his gifts. The kids were so excited to present him with food and a warm blanket.

Yolam was overwhelmed as he explained to them, “The Lord heard my cries . . . my family had totally run out of food and I had been asking God for a blanket. Now I have no worries as the blanket will keep me warm for a nice sleep at night. It is like God appearing before me and giving me His help. I feel so relieved and thank God for hearing my prayers.”

Yolam went on to tell us “We have a great God inside of us, bigger than our situations or trials. The love of the kids showed me this. What they did confirms that God is all-knowing and hears our prayers. He knew what I needed and used the kids to deliver to me. I don’t have words good enough for what God did for me. The kids made me feel so special and loved. They reminded me that even if I’m paralyzed, God is still making a way for me.”

Yolam wasn’t the only one who experienced the greatness of God that day. The kids left knowing there was nothing better than being His love.

Betty McLelland