Our New Children’s Home: The Story of How God Provides


Timothy is the youngest child who lives in our children’s home. Over a year ago, we didn’t know what was going to happen to him and all the other sixteen children who lived at the home. The Ugandan government had already closed down hundreds of children’s homes and nonprofit organizations, and was making more demands on those who had made it through the cut.

We had been doing our best to meet all the requirements. The fence around the home was in place, and we had been blessed with the funding for the kitchen and many of the other demands. Then, just as we were about to breathe a sigh of relief, we were notified that a second home had to be built to separate the younger boys and girls, something that we had already done with the older children.

I slumped over when I heard the news . . . this was way too much . . . didn’t they know a pandemic was going on, bringing new and overwhelming demands? But thankfully, God settled me down in a few days and reminded me to remember . . . “Remember all those times and ways I have made a way for these children before.”

Wasn’t He there all those years ago when we started the home and we didn’t know what we were doing? And how about the land, first home, and chapel that we already had because God had moved in people’s hearts? How could I forget all the faithful sponsors who had educated these kids through the years; and the golf sponsors and players who always raised funding for the operational cost to run the home? After all, we had named the home Jireh . . . meaning “God will provide” . . . and He had never failed us yet!

A few weeks passed and a phone call came. It was from the couple who had been the greatest encouragers and mentors in all my adult life. When we began to talk, it quickly turned into an emotional conversation, because God had put something on their hearts. They wanted to build a children’s home and there was already a figure in their heads . . . that figure turned out to be the exact amount it would cost to build the home and operate it for the first year!

I got off the phone and fell on my face . . . God had once again been Jireh in our lives! And now with the new home, we would be able to expand our reach to many more vulnerable children! All glory to God for His marvelous work!!!


The construction of the home has now been completed! Please pray for God’s favor as we finish up the last step with the government and then open our doors for new children!!!

By Betty Jo McLelland

Betty McLelland