Discipleship Groups are Exploding!


Our discipleship groups are exploding and God’s Word is changing lives. Throughout the nine sub-counties where we work, people are coming together to celebrate how God has sustained and strengthened them, and taught them so much about how to view life. It reminds you of how King David danced in the streets with all his might before God. Our people are singing, dancing, dramatizing Bible stories, and testifying of how God is transforming their lives.

Esther told us, “I was always so dull . . . like a dog. I herd cattle and used to spend all my time with them. I didn’t even keep up my hygiene because I was mostly alone. Now I can’t wait to go to Bible study and learn more about God. I keep changing because of what I learn and now have many friends. I always go home feeling loved and with peace in my heart.”

Nelson, who is 71, testified “I used to walk on three legs before I met God. I was a drunkard and had to walk with a stick. Now I feel so young and walk with just two legs. I am like a twenty-year-old who has been given a new life. Me and all my children are always part of discipleship. It has made me know God is surely good and He is Lord of my life.”

We thank God for the power of His Word and for what He is doing in our people’s lives. It is our prayer that He would use them to ignite a flame of love for Him across the land!

Betty McLelland